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European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2012). EMCDDA strategy and work programme 2013-15. Work programmes and strategies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2011). General report of activities 2010 : including “Annual report of the EMCDDA's authorising officer”. General report of activities. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
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various. (2012). Drugnet Europe No. 79 : ESPAD releases latest survey results : responses to HIV outbreak among IDUs in Greece : feature: new drugs – making the international connections : new criteria applied to; Dutch “coffee shops” to reduce public nuisance : spotlight on psychiatric co-morbidity : new EMCDDA products and services : EMCDDA management board adopts next three-year work programme. Drugnet Europe : newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 17(79; 07/2012), 8.
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various. (2012). Drugnet Europe No. 77 : EMCDDA-Europol amphetamine review : range of tools needed to counter threat of emerging drugs : first European quality standards to improve drug prevention in the EU : EMCDDA 2012 work programme: new developmental areas supplement core analysis : Romania passes law to curb distribution of new psychoactive substances : European summer school in illicit drugs : new EMCDDA products and services : quality of EMCDDA outputs commended. Drugnet Europe : newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 17(77; 01/2012), 8.
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Scheuber, M., Hardegger, S., Rihs-Middel, M., & Hasenhoeller, A. (2009). Prise en charge “bas seuil” et “intermédiaire” des personnes dépendantes aux drogues illégales et à l'alcool : revue de la littérature. Villars-sur-Glâne: Ferarihs.
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Scheuber, M., Hardegger, S., Rihs-Middel, M., & Hasenhoeller, A. (2009). Behandlungszugang für Substanzkonsumenten : Literaturübersicht in Bezug auf die “niedrigschwellige” und “intermediäre” Betreuung von Personen, die von illegalen Drogen und; Alkohol abhängig sind. Villars-sur-Glâne: Ferarihs.
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