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various. (2009). A report on global illicit drug markets 1998-2007 : shortened version (P. Reuter, & F. Trautmann, Eds.). Brussels; Amsterdam: RAND Europe; Trimbos Institute; European Commission.
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Rolles, S., Kushlick, D., & Jay, M. (2006). After the war on drugs : options for control. Bristol: Transform Drug Policy Foundation.
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Bellis, M. A., & Hounsome, J. (2001). Merseyside inter agency drug misuse database 1999 – full report. Liverpool: Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Health and Applied Social Sciences.
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Hardi, L. V., Bellis, M. A., & Hounsome, J. (2000). Merseyside inter agency drug misuse database : a unified approach to drug misuse data : interim report for period 3, 1 July to 31 December 1998. Liverpool: Liverpool John Moores University, School of Health and Human Sciences.
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Zobel, F., & Dubois-Arber, F. (2004). Short appraisal of the role and usefulness of drug consumption facilities (DCF) in the reduction of drug-related problems in Switzerland : appraisal produced at the request of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Lausanne: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
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Hastings, G., & Angus, K. (2009). Under the influence : the damaging effect of alcohol marketing on young people (G. Roycroft, Ed.). British Medical Association (BMA).
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Reuter, P., & Schnoz, D. (2009). Assessing drug problems and policies in Switzerland, 1998-2007. College Park; Zurich: University of Maryland, School of Public Policy and Department of Criminology; Institut für Sucht- und Gesundheitsforschung (ISGF).
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Wieser, S., Kauer, L., Schmidhauser, S., Pletscher, M., Brügger, U., Jeanrenaud, C., et al. (2010). Economic evaluation of prevention measures in Switzerland : synthesis report : executive summary. Winterthur Neuchâtel: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Winterthur Institute of Health Economics (WIG); University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Economic Research (IRENE).
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Wieser, S., Kauer, L., Schmidhauser, S., Pletscher, M., Brügger, U., Jeanrenaud, C., et al. (2010). Economic evaluation of prevention measures in Switzerland : synthesis report : cost-benefit analysis of road accidents prevention, cost-benefit analysis of tobacco prevention, cost-benefit analysis of alcohol prevention. Winterthur Neuchâtel: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Winterthur Institute of Health Economics (WIG); University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Economic Research (IRENE).
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European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, & Europol. (2010). EMCDDA-Europol 2009 annual report on the implementation of council decision 2005/387/JHA : in accordance with article 10 of council decision 2005/387/JHA on the information exchange, risk-assessment and control of new psychoactive substances. Implementation reports. Lisbon; The Hague: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA); Europol.
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