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various. (2013). Drugnet Europe No. 81 : EU drug markets: a strategic analysis : EU drug markets report : highlights : new EU drug strategy endorsed : EMCDDA embarks on new annual and three-year work programmes : report reveals risks of substance use behind the wheel : upcoming risk assessment on 5-IT : European summer school on illicit drugs : management board re-elects chair and vice-chair. Drugnet Europe : newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 18(81; 02/2013), 8.
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various. (2012). Drugnet Europe No. 80 : EMCDDA annual report 2012 highlights : 4-MA – new drug under scrutiny in the wake of deaths : record number of online shops selling 'legal highs' : heroin use in decline and shifting patterns of problem drug use : 'testing the waters' : 2013 conference : 2012 EMCDDA scientific paper award winners : new EMCDDA products and services : annual report 2012 (continued). Drugnet Europe : newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 17(80; 11/2012), 8.
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