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Ball, A., Des Jarlais, D. C., Donoghoe, M. C., Friedman, S. R., Goldberg, D., Hunter, G. M., et al. (1994). Programme on substance abuse : multi-city study on drug Injecting and risk of HIV infection : a report prepared on behalf of the WHO international collaborative group (Appendix 1-2). Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO).
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Ball, A., Des Jarlais, D. C., Donoghoe, M. C., Friedman, S. R., Goldberg, D., Hunter, G. M., et al. (1994). Programme on substance abuse : multi-city study on drug Injecting and risk of HIV infection : a report prepared on behalf of the WHO international collaborative group (Appendix 3). Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO).
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Ball, A., Des Jarlais, D. C., Donoghoe, M. C., Friedman, S. R., Goldberg, D., Hunter, G. M., et al. (1994). Programme on substance abuse : multi-city study on drug Injecting and risk of HIV infection : a report prepared on behalf of the WHO international collaborative group (appendix 4-5). Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO).
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Ball, A., Des Jarlais, D. C., Donoghoe, M. C., Friedman, S. R., Goldberg, D., Hunter, G. M., et al. (1994). Programme on substance abuse : multi-city study on drug Injecting and risk of HIV infection : a report prepared on behalf of the WHO international collaborative group (Chapter 1-2). Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO).
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Ball, A., Des Jarlais, D. C., Donoghoe, M. C., Friedman, S. R., Goldberg, D., Hunter, G. M., et al. (1994). Programme on substance abuse : multi-city study on drug Injecting and risk of HIV infection : a report prepared on behalf of the WHO international collaborative group (Chapter 3-4). Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO).
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Ball, A., Des Jarlais, D. C., Donoghoe, M. C., Friedman, S. R., Goldberg, D., Hunter, G. M., et al. (1994). Programme on substance abuse : multi-city study on drug Injecting and risk of HIV infection : a report prepared on behalf of the WHO international collaborative group (Chapter 5). Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO).
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Ball, A., Des Jarlais, D. C., Donoghoe, M. C., Friedman, S. R., Goldberg, D., Hunter, G. M., et al. (1994). Programme on substance abuse : multi-city study on drug Injecting and risk of HIV infection : a report prepared on behalf of the WHO international collaborative group (Chapter 6-8). Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO).
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Asi. (1994). Normes de qualité pour les soins et l'accompagnement des personnes âgées. Berne: Association suisse des infirmières et infirmiers (ASI).
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Dobler-Mikola, A., Schaaf, S., & Uchtenhagen, A. (1994). Drogenabhängige in stationärer Behandlung : Durchführbarkeitsstudie zur Implementierung einer nationalen Klientendokumentation und Verlaufsevaluation. Zürich: Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich.
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